
Verification of product authenticity

Are you buying a bag from a well-known brand for the first time and are you worried whether the product is really original? We often get this question from you during your first purchase. As a verified partner of Entrupy, we guarantee that all products sold by All Vintage are original. We are one of several trusted partners of Entrupy in Poland.

You can check every Entrupy certificate on the official website Here.

The Entrupy Certificate of Authenticity is added to selected products visible on the All Vintage website. Expand the product description to check if the price already includes the certificate. If the price does not include the certificate and you want to perform the verification service for a product visible in the All Vintage store, add the service to the cart. After making the payment, you will receive the generated certificate to the specified email address. The certificate will increase the chances of later reselling the product.

If you would like to verify a product that was not purchased from All Vintage, you can do so. Click on the link below, which will take you to the service page:

Entrupy Verification +